“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, 
when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, 
Thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul”

~ Horatio Spafford

The unruffled mind
is a serene space,
steadfast with clarity
where reasoning resides,
and understanding prevails.  

Peace is merely a projection
on the screen of mindfulness
from where it already exists,
always has,
always will. 

In the absence of tranquility
confusion rules with an iron fist,
a hurried mind,
is a crowded mind,  
is a bewildered mind.  

Grappling from states of upheaval,
conflicted desires,
reactivity to perceptions of
pass or fail,
win or lose,

Lack of abundance,
There is just never enough 
There is just never enough,
There is just never enough,
I need…
I want…
I should…
I would…
If only… 

Dormant within
chaotic confusion,
lagoons of stillness reside,
austerely  present,
indefatigably there,  

Freedom found
your self created
walls of confinement,
  it’s just a breath away.  

Copyright © Henri Ferguson 2012 all rights reserved

Author Notes

We are the wardens of the walls that keep our woundedness in and the overflowing well of love and abundance out. This is “our story”, a story that has been told so many times that those stories become the indisputable and never changing facts that would be the glue of our stuckness. Needing leads to more needing, wanting leads to more wanting; this then, the proverbial hamster wheel of discontent. We (our egos) are seasoned and folksy trial lawyers who script the compelling defenses that would guarantee a life sentence in victimhood; a life unlived and squandered in righteous indignation and self conceived scarcity. Where there is a can’t there is a won’t and all that we hunger for… it’s just a breath away.