Poetry, storytelling and song writing are members of the same family. I have a deep appreciation for the literary arts and believe that creative writing whatever its form, render a fleeting glimpse, a snippet of insight into the author’s inner world. To live an unexamined life is our greatest travesty and consequently we cannot grow as we are intended to without putting ourselves under a compassionate lens of scrutiny. Writing can do this by giving us a strategy to crystallize those fleeting thoughts and emotions that so often elude clarity and self knowing. Journaling, writing poetry can be a catharsis in this process leading to a new awareness of whom and what we are, warts and all. The journey of self discovery ultimately opens the door to the spiritual growth and evolution we so richly deserve.
A Bridge Worth Crossing
Life’s meandering journey of bazillion steps with diverging detours unplanned, deliver us to dubious junctions, devoid of clarity; but still, a bridge worth crossing. Here is 2 Minute Video Clip (by CTV News): synopsis of Michelle Fuller [...]
To Catch the Fleeting Wind
Photo Alan Breaky For it is in giving that we receive. ~ Saint Francis of Assisi Time does not exist; clocks exist. Our galactic universe, of incomprehensible enormity with distances measured in light years; where our cosmic home, planet [...]
Fear is a Liar
“I’m an old man now. I’ve lived a long and difficult life filled with so many misfortunes, most of which never happened.” ~ Mark Twain Tears flow effortlessly these days; drops of what ifs and beleaguered whys saturate a [...]
Be Yourself
"Be Yourself, everyone else is taken" ~ Charles Schulz ...and who exactly is that? Who slumbers so soundly within the depths beneath the meniscus of your narrative? Believe the questions, question your answers, peel back those layers, go [...]
A Lotus of Countless Petals
“Let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure, and seek the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line. For self is a sea boundless and measureless. Say not I have found the truth, but rather, [...]