“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in”
~Morrie Schwartz
Bittersweet experience
it was
saying goodnight on the phone.
it was
saying goodnight on the phone.
I sense the longing.
I ride these convoluted
roller coaster emotions;
roller coaster emotions;
is that a red stop light flashing?
is that an amber caution light?
Hard to tell sometimes,
push, pull, stop, go,
yes…. oh yes!
ah… but maybe no.
It’s never totally clear,
we have to re-learn to trust again,
that takes time,
and patience,
baby steps.
Wishing right now
we could be back at Yani’s;
we could be back at Yani’s;
steeped in conversation,
on each other’s words.
on each other’s words.
Magnetic whirlwinds
sweep us into this vortex.
leaving us spellbound,
teasingly slow,
absolutely delicious.
Savor each moment
for it will only happen once,
before being distilled
to a memory.
to a memory.
In the final analysis
that moment
is all
we ever have,
that moment
is all
we ever have,
I salute these moments.
Copyright © Henri Ferguson 2003
All rights reserved.
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