“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it”.  ~ Buddha

Jayanti; my Jess,
dreamer of dreams,
dreamy eyes, dreamy smile,
heart chock-full of dreams,
splendid soul with purpose,
visions of a softer world,
where compassion governs,
with love its currency. 

Nimble mind racing
to keep pace
with her colossal ambitious heart.
weaving dreams of better,
into a quilt of equanimity,
embracing here and now,
filing dreams for future,
baby steps.  

The reward of patience,
is patience,
we are all students at this.
It takes a while.
You are somebody’s soul mate,
waiting in the wings,
surrender to what unfolds,

to who appears, 

My Jayanti Jess

Copyright © Henri Ferguson 2013 All Rights Reserved

Author Notes
Jayanti is the name given to Jessica (my middle daughter) when she studied at Bihar Yoga University in India. A place where she met her guru, where she let go of fashion and all the other western world norms we so obsessively cling to, and where she shaved her head. One cannot get this kind of experience from reading a book; her transformation speaks volumes about this. I am so proud of her life journey, her passion for teaching yoga and the welfare of her students. Her love for teaching children and dreams of children of her own. I beam with pride to be her Dad, my Jayanti Jess.